
by Wordfetti

General q's

What happens once I buy from the Wordshop?

By the magic of the internet, you’ll get an email confirmation of your purchase with the link or product.

If you created an account with us, you’re a very wise human. Simply log in when placing your order, and you will find all the downloads under “my account”. Clever, huh?

What makes your templates and workshops different?

Oh, good question; top of the class for you. There’s a lotta courses out there, so what’s the Wordfetti difference?

Our templates and workshops are based on strategy and consumer psychology, not fast trends and tactics. We believe in evidence-based approaches that stack up in the real world, not buzzwords and bro marketing (ew).

They’re tried and tested. Kinda see us as the lab, and anything we have in the Wordshop as strategies and approaches that we have seen, work for us and our students and clients.

Lastly, everything you find here in the Wordshop is written by a living breathing human, not a bot. That’s why you’ll find them human-centred and created with empathy in mind.

Do your templates include design?

Would you ask Ryan Reynolds to service your car? No, We do one thing only. Words. And we do them well.
Now. Whilst our templates do not include design, they are written in a way that makes it easy for you to CTRL C + CTRL V into your chosen platform. Whether is social media, emails or webpages.

But won’t my copy sound like everyone else if I buy these templates?

Nope. We’ve spent a lot of time perfecting how we write our prompts and focus a lot of our attention on the strategy aspect of the template. The templates are perfectly designed to allow you to make them your own, and sprinkle your brand voice in like it's confetti at a unicorn wedding. We have a mixture of e-comm biz, personal brands and service providers who have all been able to take these templates and magic them into something that uniquely them.

Love your templates, could I be an affiliate?

Blush. We’d love that. We kind of think we’d be good together.

Become an Affiliate Partner here - you can share a 10% code with your audience, and you’ll receive a 20% commission. For example, if you share our Digital Product Email Templates ($397), anyone who shops via your unique link (code?) will get 10% off (e.g. $39.70) and you’ll get paid $59.70 if they use your link. It’s a great way to support your audience, but also make passive income! KA CHING!

Product q's

Who created these templates?

They’re personally written by Anita and the Teamfetti copywriters. All humans, no robots. It’s strictly robot vacuums for us.

How do I use the templates?

Hopefully, for copywriting, we don’t recommend you use them to help you build IKEA furniture,

We’ve made it uber simple for you to use ‘em and get started like, right now. Simply download (PDF/Google Doc/Canva), make a copy, fill in the blanks, and bada bing bada boom, you’re good to go

Can I get a sneaky of the template before I buy?

Are you the kind of person who goes snooping for the hidden Christmas presents? You’re in luck, each product description will feature a sneaky peek of what’s inside so you can see what’s included and what to expect.

Why are your templates more “expensive” than others?

You’ll find cheaper templates than ours, we won’t lie to you. But we will tell you why we aren’t the cheapest.

3 big reason. One. We pour a lot of love and heart, time and research into writing these templates (no ChatGPT found here). We put them to the test at Wordfetti to make sure they walk the walk and we take any feedback on board and tweak where needed. Two. They are written by a human, not a robot. Three.

Our templates are based on frameworks and proprietary methods we’ve developed, based on consumer psychology, not buzzwords, fads, TikTok trends or dodgy bro marketing tactics.

Plus, this is your business we’re talking about. Do we really want “cheap?”

If I buy a Masterclass or Workshop, how long will I have access to it?

Unless otherwise specified you will have access to your template so long as Wordshop is in operation (we can’t legally say lifetime access because never say never, but let’s just say a very very long time).

Can I share these templates or my log-in with my biz friends?

We love to share cake, laughs and bad dad jokes. But our templates aren’t for sharing and distribution.

When you purchase one of our templates or masterclasses, you are automatically granted use for one user of the business only (unless otherwise specified). In the event Wordfetti becomes aware that any purchase has been shared, we reserve the right to provide you with an invoice for the cost of each and every user who has accessed the material.

We pour a lot of love and thought into our templates, (not to mention time, expertise and research) and if you do love what we have, we invite you to be an Affiliate Partner of Wordfetti.

Support q's

My order hasn’t arrived!

Awkward! Please check your spam folder and if it's still not there, drop us an email at hello@word-shop.com. Sometimes things get lost in cyberspace. Sometimes our carrier pigeon decides to take a detour. Sometimes someone up there in the cloud presses the off button instead of the on button. But the Support Ninjas won’t let you down.

What’s your refund policy?

Owing to the digital nature of our products we do not offer refunds. If you need help before making your purchase, speak to one of our legends via live chat to help you find the product that’s the best for your biz. We want you to love your template like your firstborn, and we know you will if we help you select the right one. It’s all very Cinderella’s glass slipper.

I have another question!

You have another question? Well, we’ll have to sack the copywriter who put these FAQs together (they had one job, huh?). But don’t you worry about that, reach out to us via email or live chat and we’ll be happy to help.